Thursday, January 31, 2008

Okay, so Its been long, really long. Well, thats a good sign. It means I m busy withlife rather than thinking shit.. haha, not a good one I know.
Well.. i went home for amonth and it was great. I met my nephew..which was even greater. A six months old smiles, and u forget what a pain living in this world is.

I am clueless about my dissertation though. I have to complete afifty pages authentic work by april end and I am not even clear about the topic. The research Is going awful..
I have learnt to concentrate on myself rather than others..which is very good. I feel lighter and happier.
And I have got back my imagination because I have learnt to keep my mind free.. so its back to utopia for me!!

until next time..


Robin Bhakhan said...

being urself and realising the power hidden inside is a hard job...but once u reach there ... then realise the language ur heart speaks...and notice that it speaks the universal language without words...apply it to others ..u will feal lighter being extrovert...

Prashant Kumar said...

it feels gr8 to hv ur mind free frm the shackles ... n that happens only whn u find ways to remain happy amidst all those not so happy "things" surrounding ur life..

be honest to urself..

n remain cheerfull n answerable to ur own self..